Exports a Rust constant as a global PHP constant. The constant can be any type
that implements IntoConst
The wrap_constant!()
macro can be used to simplify the registration of constants.
It sets the name and doc comments for the constant.
#![cfg_attr(windows, feature(abi_vectorcall))] extern crate ext_php_rs; use ext_php_rs::prelude::*; #[php_const] const TEST_CONSTANT: i32 = 100; #[php_const] const ANOTHER_STRING_CONST: &'static str = "Hello world!"; #[php_module] pub fn get_module(module: ModuleBuilder) -> ModuleBuilder { module .constant(wrap_constant!(TEST_CONSTANT)) .constant(("MANUAL_CONSTANT", ANOTHER_STRING_CONST, &[])) } fn main() {}
PHP usage
var_dump(TEST_CONSTANT); // int(100)
var_dump(MANUAL_CONSTANT); // string(12) "Hello world!"