INI Settings

Your PHP Extension may want to provide it's own PHP INI settings to configure behaviour. This can be done in the #[php_startup] annotated startup function.

Registering INI Settings

All PHP INI definitions must be registered with PHP to get / set their values via the php.ini file or ini_get() / ini_set().

#![cfg_attr(windows, feature(abi_vectorcall))]
extern crate ext_php_rs;
use ext_php_rs::prelude::*;
use ext_php_rs::zend::IniEntryDef;
use ext_php_rs::flags::IniEntryPermission;

pub fn startup_function(ty: i32, module_number: i32) {
    let ini_entries: Vec<IniEntryDef> = vec![
    IniEntryDef::register(ini_entries, module_number);
fn main() {}

Getting INI Settings

The INI values are stored as part of the GlobalExecutor, and can be accessed via the ini_values() function. To retrieve the value for a registered INI setting

#![cfg_attr(windows, feature(abi_vectorcall))]
extern crate ext_php_rs;
use ext_php_rs::prelude::*;
use ext_php_rs::zend::ExecutorGlobals;

pub fn startup_function(ty: i32, module_number: i32) {
    // Get all INI values
    let ini_values = ExecutorGlobals::get().ini_values(); // HashMap<String, Option<String>>
    let my_ini_value = ini_values.get("my_extension.display_emoji"); // Option<Option<String>>
fn main() {}