#[php_async_impl] Attribute

Using #[php_async_impl] instead of #[php_impl] allows us to expose any async Rust library to PHP, using PHP fibers, php-tokio and the PHP Revolt event loop under the hood to handle async interoperability.

This allows full compatibility with amphp, PSL, reactphp and any other async PHP library based on Revolt.

Traits annotated with #[php_async_impl] can freely expose any async function, using await and any async Rust library.

Make sure to also expose the php_tokio::EventLoop::init and php_tokio::EventLoop::wakeup functions to PHP in order to initialize the event loop, as specified in the full example here ».

Also, make sure to invoke EventLoop::shutdown in the request shutdown handler to clean up the tokio event loop before finishing the request.

Async example

In this example, we're exposing an async Rust HTTP client library called reqwest to PHP, using PHP fibers, php-tokio and the PHP Revolt event loop under the hood to handle async interoperability.

This allows full compatibility with amphp, PSL, reactphp and any other async PHP library based on Revolt.

Make sure to require php-tokio as a dependency before proceeding.

use ext_php_rs::prelude::*;
use php_tokio::{php_async_impl, EventLoop};

struct Client {}

impl Client {
    pub fn init() -> PhpResult<u64> {
    pub fn wakeup() -> PhpResult<()> {
    pub async fn get(url: &str) -> anyhow::Result<String> {

pub extern "C" fn request_shutdown(_type: i32, _module_number: i32) -> i32 {

pub fn get_module(module: ModuleBuilder) -> ModuleBuilder {

Here's the async PHP code we use to interact with the Rust class we just exposed.

The Client::init method needs to be called only once in order to initialize the Revolt event loop and link it to the Tokio event loop, as shown by the following code.

See here » for more info on async PHP using amphp + revolt.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Reqwest;

use Revolt\EventLoop;

use function Amp\async;
use function Amp\Future\await;

final class Client
    private static ?string $id = null;

    public static function init(): void
        if (self::$id !== null) {

        $f = \fopen("php://fd/".\Client::init(), 'r+');
        \stream_set_blocking($f, false);
        self::$id = EventLoop::onReadable($f, fn () => \Client::wakeup());

    public static function reference(): void
    public static function unreference(): void

    public static function __callStatic(string $name, array $args): mixed
        return \Client::$name(...$args);


function test(int $delay): void
    $url = "https://httpbin.org/delay/$delay";
    $t = time();
    echo "Making async reqwest to $url that will return after $delay seconds...".PHP_EOL;
    $t = time() - $t;
    echo "Got response from $url after ~".$t." seconds!".PHP_EOL;

$futures = [];
$futures []= async(test(...), 5);
$futures []= async(test(...), 5);
$futures []= async(test(...), 5);



Making async reqwest to https://httpbin.org/delay/5 that will return after 5 seconds...
Making async reqwest to https://httpbin.org/delay/5 that will return after 5 seconds...
Making async reqwest to https://httpbin.org/delay/5 that will return after 5 seconds...
Got response from https://httpbin.org/delay/5 after ~5 seconds!
Got response from https://httpbin.org/delay/5 after ~5 seconds!
Got response from https://httpbin.org/delay/5 after ~5 seconds!