
Options are used for optional and nullable parameters, as well as null returns. It is valid to be converted to/from a zval as long as the underlying T generic is also able to be converted to/from a zval.

T parameter&T parameterT Return type&T Return typePHP representation
YesNoYesNoDepends on T, null for None.

Using Option<T> as a parameter indicates that the parameter is nullable. If null is passed, a None value will be supplied. It is also used in the place of optional parameters. If the parameter is not given, a None value will also be supplied.

Returning Option<T> is a nullable return type. Returning None will return null to PHP.

Rust example

#![cfg_attr(windows, feature(abi_vectorcall))]
extern crate ext_php_rs;
use ext_php_rs::prelude::*;
pub fn test_option_null(input: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
    input.map(|input| format!("Hello {}", input).into())
fn main() {}

PHP example


var_dump(test_option_null("World")); // string(11) "Hello World"
var_dump(test_option_null()); // null